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Protect your bottom line against road closures

In partnership with R400, Ash Tree Insurance Brokers are pleased to offer you the only policy that pays out for road closures.

  • Until now, businesses that run commercial vehicle fleets large or small have been unable to claim financial compensation for the cost to their business of a road being closed unexpectedly and the turmoil that brings to your delivery and collection schedules. Now you can.

  • Our R-400 road closure insurance policy will pay your business £400 each time the police or a national highways agency close all the lanes on a motorway or major route for more than 2 hours should one or some of your vehicles get caught up in that closure

  • Vehicles that are caught up in sudden road closures cost operators money: money that they can not afford to lose so our R-400 policy goes some way to compensate for those unexpected extra costs. The extra fuel, the extra drivers hours, an extra night out - all costing your business money through no fault of your own

  • Signing up to R-400 is quick and simple. It costs just £100 per vehicle per year. Our only conditions are any vehicles you register must have a inbuilt GPS tracking system and your business must have an current DVSA Operator’s Licence

  • To register you simply upload the details of each vehicle, pay the invoice and you’re on cover

To sign up, just click the link below and complete the online form - it's that simple

£400 each time one of your commercial vehicles gets delayed for more than 2 hours

  • How many vehicles can I register?

    • You can register as many vehicles as you choose but remember each vehicle must have a hard wired GPS system built into the cab.

    • You must be able to provide hard copy evidence of where the vehicle was in the event of you making a claim.

  • How much does it cost?

    • The premium for each vehicle is £100 including Insurance Premium Tax plus a £5 admin fee per vehicle.

  • Which roads are covered by R-400?

  • Can I use data from the vehicle’s tachograph to make a claim?

    • No – It has to be from the GPS System from the vehicle. You may be asked to provide further information from the Tachograph but the information from the Tachograph alone will not be sufficient.

  • When do I have to claim by?

    • All claims must be received within 30 days of the road closure for which you are making a claim. We cannot accept claims after 30 days.

  • How quickly will I receive my £400 compensation?

    • Providing that your information matches our records, you will receive your compensation in no more than 10 working days. The payment will be in full and final settlement. The payment will be sent directly to your Company bank account. No other forms of payment can be made.

  • What happens if I sell a vehicle?

    • Simply remove it from your account – There will be an admin fee of £5.

  • How often can I claim?

    • You can claim a maximum of 5 times for each vehicle in a year.

  • What happens if I buy a vehicle?

    • Simply add it to your account, pay the annual premium of £100 and the admin fee of £5.

  • What happens if I rent a vehicle for a short period?

    • You can only register vehicles that you are the registered keeper of and the V5 shows your Company as that registered keeper.

  • Does the vehicle have to be stationary for at least 2 hours?

    • The vehicle must be held in an all lane closure under the instructions of the highways agency or police for two hours or more as evidenced by the GPS system data.

  • What happens if I can’t provide hard copy from the GPS system?

    • We won’t be able to accept and pay your claim.

  • If the road is shut due to protesters, can I still claim?

    • No. That isn’t an official closure by the Police or Highways Agency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ash Tree Insurance Brokers, Wilton House, Copley Enterprise Park, Station Road, Tadcaster LS24 9SG

Ash Tree Insurance Brokers Limited is a trading name of Ash Tree Ins Brokers Limited Registered in England No: 14524043. Ash Tree Insurance Brokers Ltd are an Appointed Representative of Movo Partnership Ltd who are directly authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with registration number 823503. Registered Office: First Floor, 30 High Street, Chislehurst, BR7 5AS.  Registered in England No: 11544238

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